Thursday, 28 August 2008

Búze Epidemic Sweeps Nation


Report by Luther Clingfilm


Keith Potatobox, 19 of Stone Chair, was taken into hospital for nineteen stiches after drinking the new slosh of choice of disgraceful stars like Amy "crackbin" Winehouse and Peter "who took all the smack?" Doherty.
It emerged that Potatobox had found himself propositioning a stray cat with a staple gun, under the influence of Búze.
Onlookers were literally disgusted when Potatobox glugged his merry way through 4 litres of grush.


Tempers ran high in Parliament around the issue with MP Martyn Spinach, Minister for Felony Shoes, speaking out, claiming "This man is a fence. He bogs oranges, he knocked out an apple, he drives the porcelain bus, he's a prawnhead, a suckhand tit, arse grapes, an ancient chinese curse, and he eats Conneticut riverpork. He's like a cow with a musket. It's offensive."
He went furiously on - "What are we to do with these shed-hugging sobriety dodgers, casually wandering betwixt A&E on saturday night and the dole queue on monday morn, high on taxpayer's joy and a concotion of narcotics? Send them to Spain, where they tolerate such silliness?"


"It's loads of alchohol in a bottle" is the slogan of the offending drink. In the company's defence, Lance Búttwipe, CEO of Búze Inc. spake, "Búze has simply opened the door for grog artists to keep the ball rolling. Of course, we encourage caution regarding stationary whilst utilising our merchandise"
MP Peter Wreckless was quoted yesterday, speaking outside Mecca, "If scrounging, pathetic monsters like Potatobox can trundle through our gold-paved streets, chugging on vast tankards of ruin, without necessary measures being taken to avoid this guff."
Potatobox was said to feel "Pretty s--t, but far better than a comedown" when leaving hospital this morning.


Take a lick of any street in the UK and you will almost definately taste the severity of our nation's drink problem. With the government too full of glue to take firm measures and supermarkets churning out monkey swill for as little as 4p a can, the stage was set for a new low to arrive 'pon our shelves.
Búze is a potent blend of fruit juices, industrial strength ethanol, and MSG, weighing in at 9% vol, or a toxicity equal to that of eating one's own faeces for a month. It is a neon red in hue, and retails in 4, 6 and 9 litre bottles, surely only another slimy thumbs up to our binge-friendly underclass.
The actions of Búze on the body are difficult to calculate, but when we gave a sample of the fluid to our resident FuckExplosion scientists, they became intoxicated in a matter of seconds. What is known is that many of those who have imbibed of the sinful bev report a sense of confusion with their surroundings, leading to acts of vaguery and use of illegal sentences.
How long are we going to allow our Britain overrun with vomit and stumbling wasters like this Potatobox, endangering our cats and expending our valuable monosodiumglutamate stockpiles?
Bring back the guillotine.

Friday, 15 August 2008

Today's Top Stories - For Fact's Sake


Celebrity grape stomper Alicia Drool was clamped by Belgian detectives this week, when she was found crouched behind a magnolia curtain clutching a "honking brown foxy grandpa" in Bruge, according to reports.
Popular muffin-puncher Drool (pictured) has appeared in such grubbery as Oupa Juice, The Sniffles, and the infamous travesty that was Kick a Brown Dog.
She stated today via her personal "gangster bitch" Dan Tucker that "I feel that this is simply an attempt to throw ass on my projects, and I plan to take it on the ooze. It's definitively a fuck-a-rama."
These latest dubs dont bode well for Drool, however, who has been previously busted for buffing dogs in Italy. That sentence was dissmissed on the grounds that "'s a term of endearment."

Drool in happier times -

Photography by Ford Mondeo
Words - Lenny Lovepearls


Some Hip-Hop, captured yesterday, Hackney, East London.
Photography by Patrick Stewart

In shocking revelatory stylee, it emerged of late that the widely-regarded-as-true claim that Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb is fallacy and farce.
The originator is now clear to be Lord Sandwich; previously best known for his pioneering work with the notorious bread-based snack, new notebook evidence suggests he was also the prime engineer of -

  • Hip Hop,
  • 7/10ths of oxygen,
  • disabled parking spaces,
  • the word 'elementary',
  • Led Zeppelin,
  • banana skins,
  • and treacle.

Fexxx however, think that these "findings" are bullshit. To vaguely align ourselves with this view we have given a special guest slot to Edison's last remaining relative, entitled Chesney Edison Shines A Light, in which he will indeed be figuratively shining a light on the state of the nation from a metaphorical cherry-picker of smug self-satisfaction.

Words - Hooker Dotterel

If you have a view or opinion about this, or any of our featured issues, please dont hestitate to call our help line on 141999, screaming incoherently your name, address and point of view.
Alternately, you can text in your views, starting your message with AAAARRRGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Album Reviews

(For your eyes, not your earholes.)

Fall Out Boy - "Horse Doughnut, Come It Strong Blouzalinda!"
Intense Self Loathing Records.

This unexpected release from the depths of America's beer parties may seem like an off-putting bagel in a bread-bin of shame, but in fact sees the Milwaukee (or whatever) cotton-tops usher in an unnervingly expensive experimental phase.
Produced variously by Brian Eno, Brian Jones, Brian Blessed, Brian Molko, Bryan Adams, Ryan Adams, and Brian Wilson, FOB have channeled the raw brig of early Free Jazz, the eelerspree of Ambient Gabba, and grappled furiously with the vast writhing serpent of the thumb piano, to create a complete lion of sound.
Most extensively so on album opener I Went To Muskra To (Buy A Double Decker) which sees the group seeming up with soft-rock legends Double Clutcher to produce a tune that manages to completely avoid any pleasant or harmonic sounds whatsoever, and features mostly the sound of 71,000 balalaikas being played by their fans via web-cast, accompanied by an ear-drum destroying glitch-core beat and a frequency designed to cause your stereo to destroy the CD, as it's playing.
The rest of the album can be found on the accompanying DVD, and what an album it is. The effervescent sounds on Cop Killer Linguist Graveyard show former dildo Pete Wentz to be as adept at the oboe as Hendrix. Also, Guy-Who-Sounds-Like The-Maroon-5-Guy takes center stage with an epic yet cruel rendition of Maccaroni, Lusty Lawrence. Dots Chew Water! on the accordion, while literally honking up lines like "You once were a lime, but now you quilt my salty bananas."
All of which is blasted over abstract footage filmed by the band of dying geese, police squadrons, mule shit, coal smugglers and post offices.
As the album winds down with Smoker's Lung Out Of The Blue Mug, I am left feeling strangely elated, yet somewhat skeggy. Buy it, then throw it away after about 4 or 5 months.

Skeetr Newcock

''What A Crock Of Shit - A Tribute To The Kaiser Chiefs''
Rough Trade.

Leeds natives Kaiser Chiefs have been annoying the public with a special brand of jizz-pop designed to be shouted by pissed-up scaffolders down the pub after they've had 'a few'. What a crock of shit, you might think. That's what Rough Trade Records thought, when they decided to commission this tribute compilation diskette.Kicking off proceedings is The Kaisertines ramshackle minor-chord romp through Everyday I Smack Up Less and Less. After some uninteresting filler that sounds like Joy Division, we hit upon the gem that is The Kaiser Gs' Yo My God. Like a BNP member, this song waits till the police have gone, and leaps from your speakers and wrestles you to the ground, beating you relentlessly solely for your beliefs. Ace.The real cream of the cream is the heart-string tuggery of the Kaiser Chef's rendition of I Predict An Omelette. Don't judge a book by it's oven, this shit will have you weeping into your cyanide. All in all, a load of shit. Wicked.
Jimmy Alcoholic

Upcoming Releases -
50 Cent - Get Pissed Or Cry Trying.
U2 - More Epic Than Seeing The Grand Canyon On Pills.
Editors - Gloom Trolley.
Big Trevvy M - Prince Trevvy Gets Hevvy.
Aass Of Bass - Shit Yourself (The Brown Sound Mixes)

What Is Fexxx?

"We hate those shit bastards." - The Times Editor, overheard in a public house, probably talking about Fexxx.

Yo! Here at Fexxx, we understand that da yoof need to know what's going on just as much as anyone, if not more. That's why we put together this here YouthBlast to fill your hormonal minds with a pure hit from the fact bong. We are sure that our blend of Topshop-friendly aesthetics and useless media buzzwords will make you, the reader, more intelligent. In fact, recent studies have shown that Fexxx can contribute to your 5 thoughts a day. We are here, as ever, to show you that your life is but a rung on an immense ladder of shit. With blood, sweat and tears, The Fexxxperts.
